Believe it or not, books are part of Everyday Magic, about which we reflected last time.
“Books and Magic?” you wonder.
Last time, we focused on what might be called the Essentials of Magic. This time, we point in a different direction. One maybe more metaphorical than energetic. We also must — in full disclosure — admit that our interests are blurred in this essay, as you will see before long.
Magic is in fact all around us as well as within us. A noted astronomer of a generation past, whom one might think would be the last one to speak for magic, left us some very touching words on the subject. The following brief paragraphs connect his thoughts on Books and Magic in a magical way. Don’t you think?
“What an astonishing thing a book is. It’s a flat object made from a tree with flexible parts on which are imprinted lots of funny dark squiggles.
“But one glance at it and you’re inside the mind of another person, maybe someone dead for thousands of years. Across the millennia, an author is speaking clearly and silently inside your head, directly to you.
“Writing is perhaps the greatest of human inventions, binding together people who never knew each other, citizens of distant epochs. Books break the shackles of time.
“A book is proof that humans are capable of working magic.”
Well, you might think that Dr. Sagan has stretched his ideas a bit far in connoting books with magic. But, we think there is really much more to his observation.
There is not much magic, per se, to creating a physical collection of papers with squiggles and binding them into a form. It is the mental part of the deal which he points to. Through books, ideas and images can be passed across oceans and centuries.
But, there is an even deeper, subtler part which points to the minds which were inspired to create languages which could be translated into squiggles. Then, those squiggles had/have to be understood by people we call readers. Even more so, there is the wonder of human beings having visual senses, brains and mental apparatus to take the images into themselves and make some sense of them.
This is all magic. The greatest of neuroscientists after many decades of study and billions of dollars in research monies expended still do not understand these simple but magical things. That is, understand how the mind-brain works in general, as well as particularly in how we translate images in the outer world into meaning in our conscious beings. It is still a mystery — magic — to scientists, physicians and philosophers.
This Magic cannot be explained genetically or biologically or physiologically or chemically or neurologically. Life, consciousness and form eventually fall back on spirit and soul. And those two are for eons to come beyond our recognizing and explaining even in our Magic Books.
Synchronistically, we came across this quote from Carl Sagan as we were developing the idea for an Online Bookstore. Which is the punch line for this essay.
Bobs Best Book Store has found a home on the internet —
While it is a “bookstore,” it is a focused one as shown below:
Online Reading:
Almost all the books housed there involve healing and medicine. There are now 7 currents titles which can be read in toto for free. These books were written by evangelist-healer Kathryn Kuhlman, Drs. Robert Mendelssohn, Edward Bach, Bernie Siegel (a chapter from an anthology), and Bob himself.
Book Reviews:
There are dozens of our Reviews with extended commentary on Books devoted to Healing. More will be added over time. For those interested, most of the reviews give substantive synopses and overviews of the titles.
There are also 100+ Giveaway books, ones needing new homes. The books are free, you merely pay for shipping by media mail. Check them out.
Finally, we have posted three of Dr. Bob’s books for sale at inexpensive, almost giveaway prices.
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