People Medicine by R. McNary, MD
4 min readJan 16, 2019


Have you noticed how the country — maybe the whole world — seems to be filling with lawyers these days? Washington DC must have the highest number per capita on the planet. Nearly 40 percent of Congressmen and women are lawyers. The number goes up close to 60 percent among Senators. And, they are supported by endless streams of attorneys and legal staffs.

Television newsrooms are loaded with lawyers and legal analysts. The different networks seem to have stables of lawyers on the payroll.

In the day-to-day world, everybody needs — or thinks s/he needs — a lawyer, for one reason or another. Laws and regulations proliferate.

Ever wonder why we need so many lawyers? Well, I imagine one reason is that we have learned to lie more: trying to evade responsibility, to pass the buck, and to look for loopholes. Don’t the jobs of many lawyers amount to protecting clients from the fallout from their lies as much as their misdeeds? Don’t we have prime examples on display right now in the White House and Congress?

What ever happened to telling the truth and letting the chips fall where they may? Most of us have been taught — at least in words — from early years to tell the truth, grin and bear it. Fibbing and white lies are still untruths.

But then by the actions and behaviors around us, we are taught wordlessly to shave points, to get more and pay for less, to manipulate the system, to cheat quietly on taxes whenever possible.

But sooner or later, we will have to reckon with the balance sheets on Earth and/or in Heaven. Why not deal with them now, so we will be truly ahead of the game?

What does all this say about America? The letter/s of the law have replaced the spirit (of the law). Thus, more and more lawyers. Many of them make their money for keeping clients from paying their bills and out of jail, but not for upholding truth and justice.

AH, But … let us not forget:

“You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free,” we have been told for ages. There is a better way. The 10 Commandments were replaced long ago by the law of love. “Love one another.”

The Golden Rule pervades every tradition and religion.

When will we hear lawmakers, lawyers and pundits speaking more about love and less about laws? (I was pleasantly surprised the other day when it was reported that Nancy Pelosi offered to say a prayer before meeting with the President.)

It is time for the population as well as the President and the Congress to focus more on love and giving, than law and order. The latter will surely follow when the former is practiced widely and joyfully.

My simple answer for the whole problem — of lies and liars, laws and lawyers — is more lovers in the world. God is Love and Truth and Goodness. Don’t we have to express those qualities sooner or later? Here there and everywhere. Why not now?

Let’s be about finding place for more Love and fewer Laws. Lawyers can find other works. The creative potentials of humans is infinite.

Dare we draw forth the hidden springs of our very being. From within our Hearts and Souls where Light and Love abide.

William Blake summed it up nicely: “We are put on Earth for a little space to learn to bear the beams of love.”

May we cast out darkness and lies, fear and dissembling by reaching toward Love. As we do, a great and holy Fire will fill the Planet. Earth and its inhabitants will shine like the Sun.

Leave comments below or send to theportableschool at gmail dot com.

Emailed Comments:

The article paints a clear picture.

The problem is that “The Law” has overridden all moral thought and concern. If it is legal, then it is fine. If the legal system does not touch me, then it is fine. All formalism without any contents.

Love is the highest form of morality and the riches most expansive content possible. The solution to injustice, as we know, is not justice but love.

A leaning process for humanity.




Great article.

My lifetime notes on lying.

You are the only one you can lie to. The rest of the world will find reality — eventually (that’s what the rest of the world is — — reality). The lie you tell yourself is the illusion you want to live under. Why do you not love yourself enough to tell yourself the truth?

One of the secrets of life is not to fool yourself. As Richard Feynman says, “You are the easiest person for you to fool”.

There are two ways to be fooled. One is to believe what isn’t true. The other is to refuse to accept what is true. Soren Kierkegaard

Looking at the letter of the law instead of the spirit of the law is mental laziness and a form of fundamentalism. Like reading the Bible with a literal interpretation. This make the words God and ignores the evolution of humanity (and there by God) of the prior 2000 years. This technique allows you to be misled by the interpretation of others or by outdated beliefs.

Hope you are staying warm in the Northern Paradise. The winter here has been fairly mild, but dryer then usual.

Keep up the good work.

Rev George



People Medicine by R. McNary, MD
People Medicine by R. McNary, MD

Written by People Medicine by R. McNary, MD

Dr. Bob's seeks to empower others to share their own healing forces and go beyond People Medicine. Visit ….

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