A Course for Physicians & Patients:

People Medicine by R. McNary, MD
5 min readFeb 16, 2019


10 Things Medical School Does Not Teach …………But Everyone Should Know

  1. Anatomy of the Human Being, Not Just the Human Body
The Eastern Gate by William Blake

Centuries ago, physicians and philosophers took to dissecting human bodies with the intention of “finding out how things work.” In that era, a medical examination was limited to pulse-taking, looking at the patient’s tongue, and maybe inspecting his/her urine.

When anatomists were allowed to dissect bodies, they discovered a lot, a whole lot. But, there is still much more left hidden from the dissector’s scalpels.

Very recently, researchers have claimed to find a new organ in the human organism. They call it the Interstitium and consider it the largest organ in the body. Even in the 21st century, that amounts to merely a new beginning in human anatomy.

You see, anatomists continue to study only the “outer” husk of the human form. Most western scientists haven’t dared to imagine that there is more to the human being. Such is the case, even while medical science still “knows” apparently little about disease and less about health.

Yes, medical libraries are filled with tomes of information collected on body parts — many of them dead — and functions, diseases and general pathology. But, many millions of humans are still left relatively “untouched” by the abundance of studies, and the billions of dollars spent on them. Great swaths of humanity struggle with all kinds of ailments for which our modern science can do little more than apply bandaids — so to speak.

When will the medical system dare to look beyond its usual limits in search of other organs? Like those that the Chinese and Indians and other cultures have known about probably for millennia.

Let us instance, the presence of the chakras and the meridians. These “organs” have become part of Western language, but authorities still say they do not exist. “We cannot find them in our dissections.”

That comment is similar to ones which have often claimed that vital force, soul and spirit are irrelevant or simply not worthy of study. Since they cannot be found on autopsy, they too must not exist. “This reminds one of the story of the materialistic doctor who said he had done hundreds of post-mortem examinations, but had never yet discovered the trace of the soul.”

(Arthur Avalon, 1918)

Well, wise ones from the ancient past as well as many today outside the predominant medical system have taught not just about other organs. They have also pointed repeatedly to “other bodies” which lie hidden amidst the outer husk which we call the physical form.

The physical body is really just the “tip of the iceberg” of the human being. It is the most condensed matter of which humans are formed. [All beings are composed of a number of energies.] Einstein and thinkers long before him have said in varying words, “Energy is the only reality. Matter is just solidified energy.” Their discoveries apply to human beings as well as to atoms and solar systems.

In the midst of our dense human bodies lie buried — at least to the vision of most people and the machinery of scientists — a number of other principles, bodies, forms. They have been variously named and described by seers the world around. We will speak of these four for simplicity’s sake:

1) The energy body.

2) The sentient vehicle.

3) The mind body.

4) The soul.

All of these inner bodies are hidden amidst the outer, obvious material form. As the kingdom of heaven is said to lie in our very midst, so do the “spirit bodies” inter-penetrate our physical vehicles.

These inner bodies appear to seers much as ghosts shown in films which move freely and pass through walls and buildings. Ghosts and spirits exist in an inner dimension which few sense except under stressful or painful circumstances. Still, they have been recognized for ages and their study can give us clues to our own spirit natures. Let the reader ponder the possibility of spirits and other beings existing in the subtlest of forms ordinarily beyond the detection of our senses.

Sages and clairvoyants have described the subtle bodies from ancient times. Ancient Greek, Egyptian and Indian adepts were well aware of them. But science has no instruments to study them, and thus continues to disbelieve ghosts, spirits, as well as the real substance of the human form.

Until human beings in large number take a large leap in consciousness and acquire the ability to see more deeply, we should pay attention to ancient teachers, modern clairvoyants, as well as many healers who feel rather than see subtle energies. Intensive research of such things would be wonderful — full of wonders.

It might be worth mentioning a few efforts done toward bringing aspects of the inner worlds to light in recent generations. The following come to mind:

• Out-of-body episodes have occurred in the lives of thousands especially during NDE — Near Death Experiences. Numerous authors have written on the subject. Consult Bruce Greyson, Kenneth Ring, Michael Sabom, Raymon Moody, Eben Alexander.

• Conscious efforts to extract oneself from the body have been accomplished on numerous occasions. Sylvan Muldoon’s book called Projection of the Astral Body is a classic in the field.

• The seer Andrew Jackson Davis in his Great Harmonia writes of an experience watching the soul depart from a dying as he sat by her bedside.

• Individuals like Barbara Brennan with her Hands of Light have tried to share personal clairvoyant experiences with students and readers.

• The ISSSEEM — International Society for the Study of Subtle Energy and Energy Medicine — has been spreading the word since 1990 on the work of scientists and practitioners who largely work independently studying and working with subtle energies.

For now, we all can be more vigilant to simple clues regarding inner natures and bodies. We can

• Pay attention to animals which have abilities to sense energies.

• Heed our “own angels” which may seek to impress us through conscience and other means.

• Endeavor to see auras and feel vibes.

• Work at developing conscious sensitivities.

Next installment to be entitled The Piece of Mind.

~~ Leave comments below or send to theportableschool at gmail dot com.



People Medicine by R. McNary, MD
People Medicine by R. McNary, MD

Written by People Medicine by R. McNary, MD

Dr. Bob's seeks to empower others to share their own healing forces and go beyond People Medicine. Visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cqeEL_5gQFU ….

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